R. dos Navegantes 51,
4000-358 Porto

T: 22 339 21 30

Exercises within the scope of the Television Practices UC of the 1st Year of the Cinema and Audiovisual Course

Cinema and Audiovisual

Within the scope of the Television Practices Curricular Unit, students in the 1st Year of the Cinema and Audiovisual Course had the possibility of experiencing practical multi-camera work and camera operations, simulating a live event. The first exercise (Jan 7) consisted of carrying out television interviews using 3 cameras, with an interviewer (student) face-to-face with an interviewee (also a student). The second exercise consisted of the multi-camera performance of a musical performance by a band made up of students and other young people, which took place in the studio space. The students operated the cameras, handled microphones, intercommunication systems between the studio and the platform, and all other equipment of Esap’s new television station. The functions performed varied throughout the exercises so that students could experience the tasks of directing, camera operation, image control and sound technician. Learning by doing and learning by watching others do was the motto of these exercises.