R. dos Navegantes 51,
4000-358 Porto

T: 22 339 21 30

Social Action Office

Serviços e Informação académica


The scholarship is an annual cash benefit for school fees, allocated by the State, in the lost state and in the respective school year, when the student does not have an adequate minimum level of financial resources, subject to an assessment of the condition of resources.

More information: Grants from the General Directorate of Higher Education
Regulation for the Granting of Scholarships to Students of Higher Education

Applications for scholarships are open for the academic year 2023-24


Students who have already submitted an application must access Online Applications – Here

Students applying for the first time should go to the Social Action Office of ESAP

Between june 25, 2023 and september 30, 2023;

In the 20 working days following registration, when it occurs after september,30;

In the 20 working days following the issuance of proof of the beginning of the internship by the promoter in the case of graduates or masters who are in the professional stage;

The application can still be submitted between october 1, 2023 and may 31, 2024, in which case the amount of the scholarship to be awarded is proportional to the value calculated for one year, considering the period between the month following the submission of the application and the end of the academic period or the internship.

Merit Scholarships - CESAP

CESAP awards merit grants that aim to promote performance and reward the excellence of students entering or attending ESAP courses.The conditions for awarding a Merit Scholarship are the student’s enrollment or enrollment in an undergraduate, integrated master’s or master’s degree course of ESAP and meet the following requirements cumulatively:

a)    Have Portuguese nationality.

b)    For students who enter the first year of any course have been admitted in the academic year of the scholarship through access tender  and have an access average of 17 or higher without rounding.

c)    For students who already attend any of the subsequent years of the respective courses, the scholarship will be awarded to the student who is regularly registred, obtaining the highest classification in each year and in each course, determined by the classification in the previous year, provided that equal to or greater than 17 , without rounding, being attributed conditioned to the performance of all UC’s of that year and not being in any debt of any importance to the CESAP.

Regulation for Assignment of CESAP Merit Scholarship  (only in Portuguese)


DGES Merit Scolarship

The merit scholarship is a fixed-sum cash benefit for students who have shown exceptional achievement.
It is considered as exceptional achievement when the student satisfies, cumulatively, the following conditions:

a) In the academic year prior to the award of the scholarship, the studant has obtained approval in all the curricular units that are part of the syllabus of the curricular year in which he/she was registred;
b) The average classifications of the curricular units referred to in point (a) have been not inferior to very good (16).

For further information, please contact the ESAP Social Action Office

Dispatch Nº 7761/2017


Scholarships- Porto Of Knowledge

The City Council of Porto has signed with the CESAP/ESAP a partnership for the awarding of scholarships.

The programme Porto of Knowledge will support the continuation of studies for those students who are in financial difficult conditions in one of the partnering private institutions.  As a strategy for the renewal of the social fabric of the city, Porto of Knowledge will promote the training and education of its young population.


The support given by CESAP/ESAP is the following:

1.Full exemption from paying
– application and enrolment fees for the 1st year, and until the completion of the degree
– exam fees throughout the duration of the course

2. 30% reduction in tuition fees (2 students)


+info: https://www.cm-porto.pt/destaque/bolsas-de-estudo-porto-de-conhecimento
Dealine: until august 12, 2024



Internships (Architecture)

Only in Portuguese

Os titulares de grau licenciado ou de mestre que no período de 24 meses após a obtenção do grau, se encontrem a realizar estágio profissional para o exercício de uma profissão, poderão candidatar-se a bolsa de estudo, nos 20 dias subsequentes à emissão de comprovativo de início de estágio por parte da entidade promotora – artigo 28º n.1 alínea c) do RABEEES.
(artigo 11º que remete para o artigo 46ºB aditado ao decreto lei nº 74/2006, de 24 de março, pelo decreto lei nº 107/2008, de 25 de junho)



Entre o dia 25 de junho de 2023 e o dia 30 de setembro de 2023;

Nos 20 dias úteis subsequentes à inscrição, quando esta ocorra após 30 de setembro;

Nos 20 dias úteis subsequentes à emissão de comprovativo de início de estágio por parte da entidade promotora no caso de licenciados ou mestres que estejam a realizar estágio profissional;

Ocorrendo a inscrição antes de 30 de setembro de 2023 o estudante dispõe sempre de um prazo de 20 dias úteis para submeter o requerimento, mesmo que esse prazo ultrapasse o dia 30 de setembro;

A candidatura pode ainda ser submetida entre 1 de outubro de 2023 e 31 de maio de 2024, sendo que, nesse caso, o valor da bolsa de estudo a atribuir é proporcional ao valor calculado nos termos do presente regulamento, considerando o período que medeia entre o mês seguinte ao da submissão do requerimento e o fim do período lectivo ou do estágio.



A Bolsa de Estudo destina-se a todos os estudantes que estejam a frequentar o ensino superior.

Todos os candidatos que possuam as credenciais de acesso (Bolsa da Acção Social), mesmo que não tenham estado inscritos no ano letivo 2022/2023 ou anteriores, podem efectuar a renovação da candidatura na página pessoal.

Os novos candidatos, que não possuam as credenciais de acesso ou tenham frequentado o Ensino Superior, mas nunca tenham concorrido à bolsa, deverão dirigir-se ao Gabinete de Acção Social da Escola Superior Artística do Porto – ESAP, munidos do Cartão de Cidadão, para efetuarem o pré-registo – receberão as credenciais de acesso, que lhes permitirá preencher e submeter a candidatura para o presente ano letivo.

Os candidatos que tenham solicitado a bolsa de estudo através do Concurso Nacional de Acesso ao Ensino Superior (público), quer no corrente ano letivo quer em anos letivos anteriores, deverão dirigir-se ao Gabinete de Acção Social da ESAP para solicitar a transferência do requerimento de bolsa de estudo, do ensino superior público para o ensino superior privado.

Para mais informação dirigir-se ao Gabinete de Acção Social da ESAP.


Monday to Friday
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. | 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.



Soledade Almeida
Phone. 22 33 92 130
Email: sas@esap.pt

The purpose of the ESAP’s Social Action Office is to ensure that no student is excluded from higher education due to financial incapacity.

The main function of ESAP’s Social Action Office is to ensure the management and functionality of the support provided to students in the framework of School Social Action.