The Erasmus consortium is a set of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and other organizations working together to promote the quantitative and qualitative offer of Erasmus internships to students who are attending Higher Education.
The CAMKA consortium, in the area of Cinema and Multimedia, is associated with the LLP / Erasmus Program and is an interregional consortium created in Portugal, geographically covering the regions of Lisbon, Porto and Beira Interior and integrating three Higher Education Institutions: Lusófona University of Humanities and Technologies of Lisbon (IES Coordinator of the Consortium), UBI – University of Beira Interior and ESAP – Escola Superior Artística do Porto.
This Consortium also includes organizations in the areas of Cinema, Communication, and Multimedia as main strategic partners and other cooperating entities that are relevant to the operation of the Consortium.
Applicants to the CAMKA Consortium may apply for the 2nd and 3rd year of the Degree Programs in Cinema and Audiovisual (CAV) and Multimedia Design and Communication (DCM) that meet the requirement determined by the National Agency PROALV. Applicants are usually students enrolled in one of these two ESAP Courses and who also meet the eligibility criteria set forth in the ESAP Internal Regulations for Student Internship Mobility under this Consortium. All students who formalize a manifestation of interest will be subject to individual candidature analysis.
With regard to the duration of Erasmus internship mobility in the CAMKA Consortium, the minimum period is of 3 months (eg July, August, and September), with ESAP students’ placements never being able to begin before 1 June. Any internship under this Consortium should be completed by 30 September.
The period of applications for an Erasmus internship under the CAMKA Consortium is determined and disseminated annually by ESAP. This is promoted in the usual places (notice posting placards in ESAP buildings and in this online submenu).
The expression of interest must be formalized through the completion and delivery of the applicant documentation, which during the application period is indicated and/or made available in this online submenu. All requested documentation must be delivered to the ESAP Secretariat (2nd floor – S. Domingos) during the respective working hours, and application period defined for this purpose.
We should point out that the expressions of interest are considered provisional and conditioned to the application of the above mentioned ESAP Internal Regulation that it is available for consultation and download in this submenu (gray box).
Students who apply for CAMKA internship mobility should wait for further contact from the Erasmus Coordination regarding the results of the application process, which will be done by e-mail, within a maximum period of 20 working days after the closing date of the application period.
CAMKA Consortium website:
Application period
Not in progress
Internal Regulation of ESAP for Internship Mobility CAMKA: Download PDF
01 – Application Form: Available during the application period
02 – Declaration of Robustness: Download Doc
03 – Europass CV: PT | EN
04 – Language passport: PT | EN
05 – Letter of Motivation (written in English)
06 – Digital portfolio *
07 – Two Original Pass Type Photographs (no copies or scans accepted)
08 – Photocopy of the Taxpayer Card (NIF)
09 – Photocopy of the Identity Card / Citizen’s Card
10 – Proof issued by the Bank: with identification of IBAN, name of the 1st holder and address of the branch to which the bank account belongs
* Portfolio, preferably in pdf formats, website, Youtube / Vimeo. Audiovisual works (up to 15 minutes of performance)
Important: SUBMIT THE PORTFOLIO TO THE ADDRESS: AND AFTER PRINTING THE E-MAIL OF THE SUBMISSION TOprovide it as proof in the act of the application, together with the other documents.
Any clarification or supplementary information must be requested by the students, exclusively by e-mail, to the address:
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