The office for the promotion of quality defines the policies and strategies of quality, formulates and supervises the procedures to be adopted and coordinates the respective process of implementation of the standards defined in the internal quality assurance system of ESAP.
Is the responsibility of the Office for the Promotion of Quality to define the quality policy and strategies of ESAP, implementing them in their institutional life.
This Office articulates the executive, scientific and pedagogical structures of ESAP.
The Office formulates and supervises the procedures to be adopted and coordinates the respective process of implementation of the standards defined in the internal quality assurance system of the ESAP.
– To elaborate the procedures to be adopted
– Analyze and evaluate the current situation at the following levels, collaborating in its implementation:- Prepare evaluation tools to help achieve quality objectives.
A – Degree of satisfaction in teaching-learning quality
B – Research
C – Services
– To promote the collection and organization of the information necessary for the correct completion of the indicator tables, keeping them updated.
– Promote the processes of evaluation and external accreditation of study cycles
– Processing of quality data.
– Prepare the annual report.
The ESAP Quality Management Manual (MQ) describes ESAP’s Internal Quality Assurance System (SIGQ_ESAP), namely the organizational structure, stakeholders and procedures for quality assurance of the institution.
Any suggestions / complaints should be sent to the following e-mail: E-mails will be received by the Quality Office, analyzed and the respective responses presented to the senders.