Students with Portuguese High School graduation diploma or legally equivalent degree, which performed the exams according with the national entrance examinations list required by ESAP, with a grade equal or superior to 95 points (0 to 200 scale).
Students not covered by the statute of international student regulated by Decree-Law nº 62/2018, of 6 August, that changes and republishes the statute of international student published by Decree-Law nº 36/2014, of 10 March, and amended by Decree-Law nº 113/2014, of 16 July.
One of the following:
03 Desenho (Drawing)
10 Geometria Descritiva (Descriptive Geometry)
12 História da Cultura e das Artes (History of Culture and Arts)
Through the general regime, students can only apply to ESAP’s Bachelor Degrees and Integrated Master which hold, cumulatively, the following conditions:
Replacement of national entrance examinations by foreign examinations.
For students with non Portuguese degrees legally equivalent to the Portuguese high school diploma, the national entrance examinations mentioned above can be replaced by final examinations of disciplines of these courses, in accordance with article 20-A of Decree-Law no. 296-A / 98, dated September 25, updated by Decree-Law no. 90/2008, of May 30, which cumulatively meet the following conditions:
It’s considered homologous the disciplines which, even though with different denominations, have identical level and purposes and similar syllabus to the entrance examinations that are aimed to be replaced. For further details, namely consultation of the correspondence table of foreign disciplines considered homologous in the entrance exams demanded for access to ESAP’s study cycles, as well as application process, it is recommended to visit the Directorate-General for Higher Education website.
Foreign examinations may be used within identical deadlines to the ones determined for high school final examinations – the year of its completion and the two following years.
The equivalencies attribution to foreign secondary studies completion diploma’s to a Portuguese high school course falls within the Directorate-General for Higher Education jurisdiction.
Application’s grade is calculated according to the following formula:
– 65% grade average of secondary school + 35% entrance examination
– Obs.: Access to ESAP’s courses doesn’t have prerequisites
Application: 3 July to 11 August 2023
Documents delivery: until 25 August 2023
Affixation of the provisory seriation list: 1 September 2023
Complaints: 1 and 4 September 2023
Affixation of the final seriation list: 5 September 2023
Enrollment: 6 to 13 September 2023
2nd PHASE (if vacancies are available)
Application: 28 August to 13 September 2023
Documents delivery: until 13 September 2023
Affixation of the provisory seriation list: 14 September 2023
Complaints: 14 and 15 September 2023
Affixation of the final seriation list: 18 September 2023
Enrollment: 19 to 22 September 2023
3rd PHASE (when vacancies exist)
Application: 18 September to 13 October 2023
Documents delivery: until 13 October 2023
Affixation of the provisory seriation list: 16 October 2023
Complaints: 16 and 17 October 2023
Affixation of the final seriation list: 18 October 2023
Enrollment: 19 to 27 October 2023
ESAP’s Tuition e School Fees.
Decree-Law no. 296-A / 98, dated September 25, updated by Decree-Law no. 90/2008, of May 30: it regulates access regime and entrance in higher education.
Reading this page doesn’t exempt from consultation of detailed information provided by Directorate-General for Higher Education.
It can apply to the evaluation exams for abbility to attend higher education courses regarding candidates over 23 years old, those who are over 23 years old or who complete it until 31 st December of the year previous to the completion of the exams, as long as, cumulatively, gathering the following conditions:
Theoretical examination: Critical analysis of an art history text
Practical examination: Drawing exam for representation of an object
Examination’s matrix: Download
Inscriptions: 3 April to 19 May 2023
Interviews and exams’ period: 29 May to 9 June 2023
Affixation of results: 13 June 2023
Enrollment: 14 to 16 June 2023
2nd PHASE (if vacancies are available)
Inscriptions: 30 May to 7 July 2023
Interviews and exams’ period: 20 to 27 July 2023
Affixation of results: 28 July 2023
Enrollment: 1 to 8 September 2023
ESAP’s Tuition e School Fees.
Decree Law nº 64/2006, 21 March, as amended by Decree Law nº 113/2014, 16 July: It regulates the exams speacially destined to evaluate the abbility to attend higher education for over 23 years old, changed by Decree Law nº 63/2016, 13 September.
Reading this webpage doen’s exempt from ESAP’s over 23 years old Regulation and the detailed information provided by Directorate-General for Higher Education.
This special call includes:
Due to International Student’s Status, amended and republished by the Decree Law n.º 62/2018, of 6 August, it can only apply to Other Higher Education Courses’ Holders:
Therefore, candidates who don’t reunite the above mentioned conditions can only apply to ESAP through International Students’s Access and Entrance Special Call or through Change of Course/Institution regime.
Application: 4 July to 12 August 2022
Documents delivery: until 26 August 2022
Affixation of the provisory seriation list: 2 September 2022
Complaints: 2 and 5 September 2022
Affixation of the final seriation list: 6 September 2022
Enrollment: 7 to 13 September 2022
2nd PHASE (if vacancies are available)
Application: 29 August to 14 September 2022
Documents delivery: until 14 September 2022
Affixation of the provisory seriation list: 15 September 2022
Complaints: 15 and 16 September 2022
Affixation of the final seriation list: 19 September 2022
Enrollment: 20 to 23 September 2022
3rd PHASE (when vacancies exist)
Application: 19 September to 14 October 2022
Documents delivery: until 14 October 2022
Affixation of the provisory seriation list: 17 October 2022
Complaints: 17 and 18 October 2022
Affixation of the final seriation list: 19 October 2022
Enrollment: 20 to 28 October 2022
Notice: The document mentioned in n.º 2, in case it isn’t issued in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish must always be translated by a certified translater and authenticated by the Embassy or Portuguese Consulate of the degree’s home country or by Hague’s Convention Apostille.
ESAP’s Tuition e School Fees.
Decree Law n.º 113/2014, 16 July: Regulates higher education special calls for access and entrance.
Reading this webpage doesn’t exempt from consultation of the detailed information provided by Directorate-General for Higher Education.
It is considered International Students those who don’t have Portuguese citizenship, with the following exceptions:
“Family member” means those who are considered as such under the terms of Law No. 37/2006, of August 9, namely:
a) the spouse of a Union citizen;
b) The partner with whom a Union citizen lives in a stable union, established in accordance with the law, or with whom the Union citizen maintains a permanent relationship duly certified by the competent authority of the Member State where he or she resides;
c) A direct descendant under 21 years of age or who is in the care of a citizen of the Union, as well as a spouse or partner within the meaning of the previous paragraph;
d) The direct ascendant who is dependent on a Union citizen, as well as the spouse or partner within the meaning of subparagraph b).
Two of the following:
03 Drawing (Exam’s matrix)
10 Descriptive Geometry (Exam’s matrix)
12 History of Culture and Arts (Exam’s matrix)
ANNEX I – Applications under the International Student Statute – Brazilian candidates
ANNEX II – Declaration, under oath, that the candidate is eligible as an “international student” in accordance with the conditions listed in the items of nº 2 of art. 2nd of the ESAP International Student Regulations
ANNEX III – Declaration, under oath, that the candidate enters under the terms of national students
Reentrance is the act by which a student, after interrupting the studies in a higher education institution/course, enrolls in the same institution and course or in a course which has replaced it.
It can apply for reentrance students who cumulatively:
Application: 4 July to 12 August 2022
Documents delivery: until 26 August 2022
Affixation of the provisory seriation list: 2 September 2022
Complaints: 2 and 5 September 2022
Affixation of the final seriation list: 6 September 2022
Enrollment: 7 to 13 September 2022
2nd PHASE (if vacancies are available)
Application: 29 August to 14 September 2022
Documents delivery: until 14 September 2022
Affixation of the provisory seriation list: 15 September 2022
Complaints: 15 and 16 September 2022
Affixation of the final seriation list: 19 September 2022
Enrollment: 20 to 23 September 2022
3rd PHASE (when vacancies exist)
Application: 19 September to 14 October 2022
Documents delivery: until 14 October 2022
Affixation of the provisory seriation list: 17 October 2022
Complaints: 17 and 18 October 2022
Affixation of the final seriation list: 19 October 2022
Enrollment: 20 to 28 October 2022
OBS: Reentrance requeriments during the academic year can only be accepted exceptionally, under special circumstances, and provided that there are conditions for the applicants’ academic integration.
Reentrance is not subjected to quantitative limit, but it does not exempt from the application’s formalization.
ESAP’s Tuition e School Fees.
Ordinance nº 181-D/2015, 19 June: Regulates both the Reentrance and the Institution/Course Change regimes.
Reading this webpage doesn’t exempt from consultation of the detailed information provided by Directorate-General for Higher Education and ESAP’s Reentrance and Institution/Course Change regimes’ Regulation.
Institution/Course Change is applied when a student enrolls and/registers in a different institution/course from the one(s) in which, in previous academic years, he has registered. Change of institution/course may take place with or without enrollment interruption and inscription in a higher education institution.
1. It can apply to institution/course change students who:
i) Have been enrolled and registered in another institution/course without having completed it;
ii) Have performed high school national exams correspondent to the access examinations determined for the general regime’s institution/course, in that year;
iii) In those exams, have the minimal grade demanded by ESAP, in that year, within the entrance general regime.
2. The mentioned national exams may have been made in any given academic year.
3. The institution/course change also applies to students who have been enrolled and registered in foreign higer education institutions, in a course defined by its country as being higher education, without having completed it.
4. It isn’t allowed institution/course change in professional technical course of higher education level, or foreign course of corresponding level, for bachelor degrees or integrated masters study cycles.
5. It isn’t allowed institution/course change on the academic year in which the student has been placed in a higher education institution/course within any access and entrance regime and which have been enrolled and registered.
6. Students who’ve entered higher education within the international students’ special call, regulated by Decree Law n.º 36/2014, maintain the international student statute until the end of the sutdy cycle in which they were initially registered or to which they go to. The international students who’ve acquired an European Union State Member citizenship constitute an exception (the application’s ending of interntional students’ statute in consequence of the previously stated takes effect in the following academic year of the citizenship’s acquisition)
Students holding non-Portuguese high school graduation diplomas
For students holding non-Portuguese courses legally equivalent to Portuguese high school graduation diploma, who haven’t got approval in the determined entrance exams, the said examinations can be replaced, under the article 20º-A of Decree Law 296-A/98, 25 September, by final exams of disciplines of those courses which gather cumulatively the following conditions:
1. Having national scope;
2. Refer to homologous disciplines of entrance examinations.
It’s considered homologous the disciplines which, even though with different denominations, have identical level and purposes and similar syllabus to the entrance examinations that are aimed to be replaced. For further details, namely consultation of the correspondence table of foreign disciplines considered homologous in the entrance examinations demanded for access to ESAP’s study cycles, it is recommended to visit the Directorate-General for Higher Education website. Examinations considered homologous may have been performed in any given academic year.
The equivalencies attribution to foreign secondary studies completion diploma’s to a Portuguese high school course falls within the Directorate-General Education’s jurisdiction.
Students who’ve entered Higher Education through special entrance calls
1. For students who’ve entered higher education through exams especially suitable, destined to evalute the ability to attend over 23 years old higher education, approval in national high school entrance examinations corresponding to entrance exams can be replaced, by requeriment, for evaluation tests destined to acces this call, performed in the same or other higher education instituition. This exam will be validate by the Entrance Applications’ Juri and it must fulfill the necessary exam for the ESAP’s course.
2. For international students, approval in portuguese high school national entrance examinations corresponding to entrance exams can be replaced, by requeriment, by the verification of the access and entrance conditions of the original institution of the international students’ special call. This verification will be validate by the Entrance Applications’ Juri and it must fulfill the necessary exam for the ESAP’s course.
3. Students who’ve entered higher education through the special call for holders of a technological specialization diploma, regulated by Decree Law n.º 113/2014, 16 July, as amended by Decree Law n.º 63/2016, 13 september, may enter through this regime as long as they’ve performed high school national entrance examinations corresponding to access exams demanded for the cycle studies through the general regime and in those exams have obtained a grade not under the minimal grade determined by ESAP.
4. Students who’ve entered higher education through the speciall call for holders of a higher technical professional diploma, regulated Decree Law n.º 113/2014, 16 July, as amended by Decree Law n.º 63/2016, 13 september, may enter through this regime as long as they’ve performed high school national entrance examinations corresponding to access exams demanded for the cycle studies through the general regime and in those exams have obtained a grade not under the minimal grade determined by ESAP.
One of the following:
03 Desenho (Drawing)
10 Geometria Descritiva (Descriptive Geometry)
12 História da Cultura e das Artes (History of Culture and Arts)
1º Highest number of courses / units completed in the course of origin;
2º Best average of the grades obtained in the subjects / curricular units already carried out in the course of origin;
3º Being from an ESAP course.
Application: 4 July to 12 August 2022
Documents delivery: until 26 August 2022
Affixation of the provisory seriation list: 2 September 2022
Complaints: 2 and 5 September 2022
Affixation of the final seriation list: 6 September 2022
Enrollment: 7 to 13 September 2022
2nd PHASE (if vacancies are available)
Application: 29 August to 14 September 2022
Documents delivery: until 14 September 2022
Affixation of the provisory seriation list: 15 September 2022
Complaints: 15 and 16 September 2022
Affixation of the final seriation list: 19 September 2022
Enrollment: 20 to 23 September 2022
3rd PHASE (when vacancies exist)
Application: 19 September to 14 October 2022
Documents delivery: until 14 October 2022
Affixation of the provisory seriation list: 17 October 2022
Complaints: 17 and 18 October 2022
Affixation of the final seriation list: 19 October 2022
Enrollment: 20 to 28 October 2022
OBS: Institution/course change requeriments during the academic year can only be accepted exceptionally, under special circumstances, and provided that there are conditions for the applicants’ academic integration.
1. Foreign students must submit the required documents, in case it aren’t issued in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish, translated by a certified translater and authenticated by the Embassy or Portuguese Consulate of the degree’s home country or by Hague’s Convention Apostille.
2. Documents referred in n.º 6 and n.º 7 are only mandatory if the student requires crediting.
ESAP’s Tuition e School Fees.
Ordinance nº 181-D/2015, 19 June: Regulates both the Reentrance and the Institution/Course Change regimes, amended by Ordinance nº 305/2016, 6 December.
Reading this webpage doesn’t exempt from consultation of the detailed information provided by Directorate-General for Higher Education and ESAP’s Reentrance and Institution/Course Change regimes’ Regulation.
Special calls for application to Higher Education are considered those that are destined to students with specific qualifications and personal conditions.
Existing regimes:
1. Portuguese diplomatic mission abroad;
2. Portuguese scholarship holders abroad and government officials abroad;
3. Portuguese Armed Forces’ Officers;
4. National scholarship holders in Portuguese-speaking countries in Africa;
5. Accredited diplomatic mission in Portugal;
6. High Performance Sports Practitioners;
7. Timor-Leste’s Nationals and sons of naturals
Detailed information can be consulted in Directorate-General for Higher Education.
It isn’t required to be a higher education student to attend ESAP’s curricular units.
Under the article 46º-A of Decree Law 65/2018. 16 August, it was established the possibility of registration in isolated curricular units, by any interested person, with the guarantee, in case of approval, of certification and crediting, if and when entering the course which includes it.
According to article 46.º – A, regarding registration in curricular units:
a) Are object of certification;
b) Are mandatorily credited, within the limits determined in subparagraph c), n.º 1, article 45.º, if its holder has or comes to acquire the status of student of a higher education study cycle;
c) Are included in Diploma Supplement that may be issued.
6. For registration under this article’s terms are due the amounts determined, in proportion, by the education establishment’s legally and statutorily competent body.
Therefore, under Decree Law n.º 65/2018, the student can enroll in a maximum of 60 credits accumulated during his / her academic course, under the same conditions as the other students. These curricular units will be crediting (equivalence) to an integrated master or bachelor degree when they obtain normal student status through one of the possible entry regimes.
Requeriment for registration as outside student can be submitted at any time during the academic year, as long as the Board of Directors decides there are integration conditions for the applicants in the respective courses.
ESAP’s Tuition e School Fees.
This special call includes students who, cumulatively:
1. Are holders of higher technical professional diploma within the education and traning areas which provides access to the intended study cycle [Annex I: CNAEF Map – National Categorization of Education and Traning Areas Map (Mapa de Classificação Nacional das Áreas de Educação e Formação)]
2. Are holders of access exams (high school national entrance examinations) demanded for the intended study cycle;
3. Obtain in the said exams a grade not less than 95 points in a 0 to 200 scale
1. Final grade obtained in the higher technical professional diploma;
2. Grades of the high school national entrance examinations required as access exams.
Application: 4 July to 12 August 2022
Documents delivery: until 26 August 2022
Affixation of the provisory seriation list: 2 September 2022
Complaints: 2 and 5 September 2022
Affixation of the final seriation list: 6 September 2022
Enrollment: 7 to 13 September 2022
2nd PHASE (if vacancies are available)
Application: 29 August to 14 September 2022
Documents delivery: until 14 September 2022
Affixation of the provisory seriation list: 15 September 2022
Complaints: 15 and 16 September 2022
Affixation of the final seriation list: 19 September 2022
Enrollment: 20 to 23 September 2022
3rd PHASE (when vacancies exist)
Application: 19 September to 14 October 2022
Documents delivery: until 14 October 2022
Affixation of the provisory seriation list: 17 October 2022
Complaints: 17 and 18 October 2022
Affixation of the final seriation list: 19 October 2022
Enrollment: 20 to 28 October 2022
1. Application form (ESAP’s Model);
2. Certificate of being holder of a Higher Technical Professional Diploma with the respective course’s CNAEF.
3. Certificate of approval in access exams demanded for the study cycle intended (ENES document);
4. ID Card.
Note: In compliance with article 10.º, point 3, section III of Decree Law m.º 113/2014, 16 July, which we quote: “In the case provided for in the previous paragraph, admission to the call may be subject to case-by-case analysis of the higher technical professional courses’ curriculum adequacy for access to the intended study cycle“. Therefore, it is advised that, when formalizing the application, it is attached to the certificate the respective syllabus of the higher technical professional course.
ESAP’s Tuition e School Fees.
Decree Law n.º 113/2014, 16 July: Regulates speciall calls for higher education access and entrance.
Reading this webpage doesn’t exempt from consultation of the detailed information provided by Directorate-General for Higher Education.
This special call includes students who, cumulatively:
1. Are holders of technological specialization diploma within the education and traning areas which provides access to the intended study cycle [Annex I: CNAEF Map – National Categorization of Education and Traning Areas Map (Mapa de Classificação Nacional das Áreas de Educação e Formação)]
2. Are holders of access exams (high school national entrance examinations) demanded for the intended study cycle;
3. Obtain in the said exams a grade not less than 95 points in a 0 to 200 scale
1. Final grade obtained in the technological specialization diploma;
2. Grades of the high school national entrance examinations required as access exams.
Application: 4 July to 12 August 2022
Documents delivery: until 26 August 2022
Affixation of the provisory seriation list: 2 September 2022
Complaints: 2 and 5 September 2022
Affixation of the final seriation list: 6 September 2022
Enrollment: 7 to 13 September 2022
2nd PHASE (if vacancies are available)
Application: 29 August to 14 September 2022
Documents delivery: until 14 September 2022
Affixation of the provisory seriation list: 15 September 2022
Complaints: 15 and 16 September 2022
Affixation of the final seriation list: 19 September 2022
Enrollment: 20 to 23 September 2022
3rd PHASE (when vacancies exist)
Application: 19 September to 14 October 2022
Documents delivery: until 14 October 2022
Affixation of the provisory seriation list: 17 October 2022
Complaints: 17 and 18 October 2022
Affixation of the final seriation list: 19 October 2022
Enrollment: 20 to 28 October 2022
1. Application form (ESAP’s Model);
2. Certificate of being holder of a Technological Specialization Diploma with the respective course’s CNAEF.
3. Certificate of approval in access exams demanded for the study cycle intended (ENES document);
4. ID Card.
Note: In compliance with article 10.º, point 3, section III of Decree Law m.º 113/2014, 16 July, which we quote: “In the case provided for in the previous paragraph, admission to the call may be subject to case-by-case analysis of the higher technical professional courses’ curriculum adequacy for access to the intended study cycle“. Therefore, it is advised that, when formalizing the application, it is attached to the certificate the respective syllabus of the higher technical professional course.
ESAP’s Tuition e School Fees.
Decree Law n.º 113/2014, 16 July: Regulates speciall calls for higher education access and entrance.
Reading this webpage doesn’t exempt from consultation of the detailed information provided by Directorate-General for Higher Education.
1. This specific call includes holders of educational and training degrees with double certification at the secondary level, granting the National Qualifications Framework level 4:
a) Vocational courses;
b) Apprenticeships;
c) Education and training courses for young adults;
d) Courses from the educational network of the Turismo de Portugal, I.P;
e) Specialized art courses;
f) Professional training courses under the Training for Youth Inclusion from the Autonomous Region of Azores.
Also, students holding:
a) Music specialized art courses (secondary Level)
b) Courses from EU State Members, legally equivalent to Portugal’s secondary education, conferring double certification (academic and vocational), and level 4 of the European Qualification Framework;
c) Other non-Portuguese courses legally equivalent to secondary education in Portugal, granting double certification (academic and vocational), for students with Portuguese nationality.
2. The holders of secondary school double certification and specialised art courses can apply for ESAP’s Bachelors and Integrated Master degrees as long as the qualification is part of the areas of education and training that grant the application for each study stage (Annex I- Map for the National Classification in the Areas of Education and Training).
3. Applications submitted by the holder of an EU Member State course, legally equivalent to Portugal’s secondary school level, granting double certification (vocational and academic) and level 4 of the European Qualifications Framework or for Portuguese citizens holders of other foreign courses legally equivalent to Portugal’s secondary school level, granting double certification (academic or vocational) referred to in paragraph b) of 1st number of article 13, decree113/2014, 16th July, in its current redaction, can be replaced by the equivalent final assessment from the respective education system, by the decision of the legal and statutorily competent, in the terms and conditions deliberated by the CNAES.
4. The conditions laid in the previous point apply only to candidates who are not covered by the International Student statute.
Practical examination
Examination’s matrix: Download
1. The candidates holding secondary level double certification courses and specialised art courses will be selected in descending order of the respective final grade, to be calculated the following way:
a) Secondary education final grade, 50%
b) Secondary education final exam, 20%*
c) Grade of knowledge exam organised by ESAP, 30%
*The course’s final exam can be, according to the course undertaken, one of the following:
– Professional aptitude test, for the holders of vocational courses;
– Final exam, for the holders of training courses;
– Final exam, for the holders of youth education and training courses;
– Final tests of the courses’ curricular modules, organised according to the decree number 57/2009, 21st of January, in its current redaction, for the holders of the respective courses;
– Competence final exams in tourism, in the courses organised according to the Government decree in the aeras of tourism, education, and training, in the case of holders of courses by the educational network of the Turismo de Portugal, I.P
– Artistic aptitude test, for holders of specialised art courses;
– Final exam for holders of courses by the Training for Youth Inclusion from the Autonomous Region of Azores.
2. The access and admission to this special call depends on the candidate gaining marks equal or above to 95 points, in the scale of 0 to 200, in each of the evaluation sections referred to in the above points.
Applications: 30 May to 8 July 2022
Documents delivery: until 8 July 2022
Exams period: 18 to 22 July 2022
Publication of results: 26 July 2022
Enrollment: 26 to 29 July 2022
2nd PHASE (if vacancies are available)
Applications: 1 August to 2 September 2022
Documents delivery: until 2 September 2022
Exams period: 12 to 16 September 2022
Publication of results: 20 September 2022
Enrollment: 20 to 23 September 2022
1. Application form (ESAP’s Model);
2. ID card or other valid identification document;
3. All the documents required for the application procedure:
a) Secondary School diploma which states the course completed and the final grade, as well as the qualification level according to the National Qualification Framework (QNQ) and the European Qualification Framework (QEQ);
b) A certificate for the level of qualification, stating the subjects/training modules and respective final grades, as well as the grades gained in the external examination (aptitude tests or final exams) and the level of qualification according to the QNQ and the QEQ;
4. Power of attorney, when needed.
ESAP’s Tuition e School Fees.
Decree Law nº 113/2014, 16 July: Regulates higher education special calls for access and entrance., amended by Decree Law nº 11/2020, 2 April.
The reading of this page does not exclude the consultation of the guidelines for special calls for holders of courses with double certification and ESAP’s specialised art courses and the detailed information made available by the DGES.
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