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“Aos Meus Pais”, film by Melanie Pereira, former ESAP student, will be shown at Batalha Centro de Cinema

Cinema and Audiovisual

The film “To My Parents”, directed by the former ESAP Cinema and Audiovisual degree student Melanie Pereira, will be shown at Batalha Centro de Cinema next Friday, January 17th, at 7:15 pm. The film is part of the Festivals and Exhibitions Program.

Daughter of Portuguese immigrants in Luxembourg, the director addresses her parents’ past through old cassettes, with home footage made by her parents in the distant unknown country that ended up being sent to family members in Portugal. Throughout the film, we discover the father and mother’s past, the difficulties in the new country, as well as the director’s difficulties in getting used to a country where she was not born or raised, without her parents.