R. dos Navegantes 51,
4000-358 Porto

T: 22 339 21 30

Masterclass “Speculative Objects on Vegetation and Disturbance”

miguel costa
11th January, 2024 | 2:30 pm | ESAP’s Auditorium

As part of the exhibition “Speculative Objects on Vegetation and Disturbance”, by artist-researcher Miguel Costa and curated by Inês Moreira and Beatriz Duarte, a masterclass on January 11, 2024, at 2:30 pm, in ESAP’s Auditorium, will take place on the theme, with free entry.


Speculative Objects on Vegetation and Disturbance displays a set of artistic installations that synthesize and translate the research that artist-researcher Miguel Costa develops around smaller landscapes. The social lives of vegetation that flourish in neglected areas of the city and that escape the desire for order in gardens and parks, gain prominence and materialize in installations, photographs, videos and maps, as well as in living components extracted from nature. The artist’s body of work is involved in the historically broad plots that structure the introduction and dissemination of these vegetations in territories, referring to colonialism and issues of public health and management in Western cities. The in-depth exploration of these complex interactions, which shape landscapes and societies, invites visitors to reflect on the influence of vegetation on urban and suburban dynamics and its intertwining with complex geopolitical entanglements.


Solo exhibition by Miguel Costa

Curated by Inês Moreira and Beatriz Duarte

November 18, 2023 – January 14, 2024

Opening November 18, 4pm-6pm

House of Arts – Porto


Miguel Costa

Artist/architect. He works under the name “micro architecture and art studio [maarqa]” and has been developing artistic research work on the relationship between colonial botany and ruderal vegetation in the landscapes of everyday places. Guest assistant professor at FBAUP. Integrated researcher at i2ADS and collaborative research member at CEAA.




Public program


November 29, 2023, 6pm

Guided tour with Inês Moreira and Beatriz Duarte


December 13, 2023, 3pm

Guided tour with Miguel Costa


January 11, 2024, 2:30 pm

Masterclass Speculative Objects on Vegetation and Disturbance by Miguel Costa

ESAP Auditorium


January 14, 2024, 11:30 am

Guided tour with Beatriz Duarte

Exhibition ending