First-year Theater students at ESAP, directed by Nuno Meireles, present the play “Auto das Fadas”, by Gil Vicente, at the Trindade Metro Station, during the Iberian Expression Theater Festival.
In Gil Vicente’s Auto das Fadas, a sorceress appears at the Court of Portugal (on an uncertain date). She will summon devils, fairies and even monks by accident. There are mermaids, best wishes for everyone who watches and the final lesson: witchcraft helps love.
Gil Vicente never came to Porto, let alone used the subway. But he was not unfamiliar with the “diffuse theatricality” of the Middle Ages, with theatre everywhere, as Cesare Molinari tells us. We imagine many expressions of theatre in spaces with many uses. Spaces such as, in our time, subway stations. In the version we present of Fadas, we now represent Vicente’s dynamics, verses and plot. More than making a Court successful, we are interested in occupying the urban space, by all kinds of street artists. It is interesting to show a greater spell than predicting the future: the spell of making theatrer.
The show takes place at 3 pm, at the Trindade Metro Station, on the 18th of May.
Cast/students: Bruna Pires, Carolina Ferreira, João Gomes, Leonor Leite, Lucas Guedes, Marta Polt, Rafael Araújo, Sara Dias, Vitória Lemos
Directed by: Nuno Meireles
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