R. dos Navegantes 51,
4000-358 Porto

T: 22 339 21 30

Art Direction

Apresentação do Curso

This Post-Graduation in Art Direction aims to enhance and develop skills within the various fields of artistic creation, proposing a practical and theoretical study programme that simultaneously prioritizes artistic education and its connection to professional contexts. Taking art direction as a main vector of inter-artistic crisscrossing, this study programme is developed in an interdisciplinary approach, seeking to summon students from multiple interests and backgrounds.

The Post-Graduation intents to conciliate different approaches and methods of experimentation, benefiting from ESAP’s inter-artistic setting that brings contributions from different artistic expressions, allowing at the same time the sharing of experiences. Hence, this post-graduation is aimed at both professionals and students from various areas: film, visual art, performing arts, theatre, dance, architecture, art history, photography, fashion design, advertising, among others.

The goal of this post-graduation in Art Direction is to provide the students with the following skills and knowledge:

  1. Provide in-depth knowledge of techniques, concepts, theoretic guidance, methodology and research in the field of Art Direction;
  2. To enable, through an inter-disciplinary approach, a deeper understanding of Art Direction. In this sense, ESAP is the privileged place for inter-artistic discussion, as it features different spaces and settings assigned to a variety of artistic fields such as: Architecture, Visual Arts, Photography, Film and Audiovisual, Communication Design and Theatre;
  3. To master skills which allow for the students to be able to work in the several Art Direction areas
  4. To provide students with the possibility to explore multiple artistic fields, thus guiding them toward a clearer definition of their own practices within the realm of Art Direction.

Instagram link HERE

Estrutura Curricular

Área CientíficaSiglaCréditos ObrigatóriosCréditos Optativos
Art DirectionDA48-
History of ArtHA12-

Plano de Estudos


Plastic Language and MaterialitiesHAS1150T: 30; OT: 156
Art Direction Practices IDAS1225T: 30; OT: 159
Seminars IDAS1150S: 456
WorkshopsDAS1225P: 909
Poetics of CompositionHAS2150T: 30; OT: 156
Art Direction Practices IIDAS2225T: 30; OT: 159
Seminars IIDAS2150S: 456
ProjectDAS2225P: 909

Corpo Docente

This teaching staff is composed both by teachers with academic backgrounds acquired in national and international universities, in a wide range of areas such as film, theatre, photography, advertising or art history, and by art directors with contemporary, extensive careers, with recognized experience and professional and/or academic merit.

Teaching staff: Carina Gaspar; Helena Guerreiro; Joana Cardoso; Manuela Bronze; Maura Carneiro; Nelson Araújo; Pedro Crispim; Sandra Neves.

In addition to teachers, this postgraduate course includes a significant group of invited professionals with extensive experience in art direction in multiple contexts, such as cinema and audiovisual, theater, advertising, photography or fashion, such as: Andreia Ribeiro – Artur Pinheiro – Bruno Alhandra Duarte – Caterina Cucinotta – Cláudia Ribeiro – Júlio Alves – Nádia Henriques – Nuno Vieira – Pedro Caride.

Regulamentos e Documentação

horários e exames

mapa de exames






DTC | Department of Theatre and Cinema

The Department of Theater and Cinema – DTC is an academic structure coordinating the scientific areas of Theater and Cinema, and respective curricular units, promoting the articulation between the two courses.

One of the competencies of the DTC is to foster research through the development of individual or group projects whose research focuses on Theater, Cinema, or on the artistic intersection between these two areas, or adjacent areas. These projects also aim to stimulate research among ESAP students.

The Department publishes a peer reviewed journal and opan access: Persona – Journal of the Department of Theater and Cinema of ESAP


SATH | Autonomous Section of Theory and History

The Autonomous Section of Theory and History is an academic structure coordinating the scientific areas of Theory and Criticism of Art, Theory and Critique of Architecture, Theater Theory and Criticism, History of Art, History of Architecture and Social Sciences and their respective curricular units , which develops a close scientific-pedagogical articulation with the courses that integrate it.

Among other responsibilities, SATH is responsible for organizing and developing research in its scientific areas, promoting research groups and projects, in addition to individual research, as well as supporting the activities and initiatives of faculty and researchers in the field of research.

Currently, SATH shares with the other departments of ESAP a research policy that goes through two types of actions:

1. The encouragement of the formation of research teams led by professors from SATH, through the funding of short-term collective research projects, ie ESAP Projects.

2. Raising students’ awareness of the research, through the provision of Credit Research Internships (ECI) carried out in the context of ongoing projects.

In 2015, three research projects are underway at SATH, one of which is related to the Degree in Theater:

Dramatic Architectures 2015 (ESAP / 2015 / P24 / SATH). Principal Investigator: Jorge Palinhos