Application period: May, 27th to 5th July, 2024
It can apply to the evaluation exams for abbility to attend higher education courses regarding candidates over 23 years old, those who are over 23 years old or who complete it until 31 st December of the year previous to the completion of the exams, as long as, cumulatively, gathering the following conditions:
- Do not hold access qualifications for the intended course, being the access qualitification to have a high school graudation diploma or equivalent and the approval on national entrance examinations which are acess exams for the intended course, in the year of the application or the two immediatly previous years.
- Not having Portuguese or other European Union State Member citizenship, those who reside legally in Portugal uninterrupted for over two years, on 31st August of the year which they intend to attend a higher education course. The candidates that don’t gather this condition and have a high school graduation diploma or equivalente on their origin country, must apply exclusively through the Special Call for Access and Admission of International Students
+ info: enroll > course